
エフアンドティー マーケティングコンサルタント
植敷 ちあき
東京都千代田区九段南1-5-6 りそな九段ビル5F
TEL. 03-6869-0859
FAX. 03-6868-4094



  • 海外独立系ホテルの国内におけるマーケティング及び営業活動
  • パブリックリレーションズ/広報
  • 取扱いホテルの予約業務

ダイヤモンドクリフリゾート&スパ (タイ、プーケット)

カオラックラグーナリゾート (タイ、カオラック)

セガラヴィレッジホテル (インドネシア、バリ)



Company Name: F&T Marketing Consultant
Managing Director: Chiaki Ueshiki
Head Office: Italia Bunka Kaikain Bld.,4 F KS Floor, 2-1-30, Kudan Minami,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,102-0074
TEL. +81-36869-0859
FAX. +81-36868-4094
A Member of TJTA (Thai-Japan Tourist Association)


  • Expand your customers
  • Reach the target
  • Have a master key for hotel challenges

Over years, we have opened and introduced hundreds of new market to our hotels partners to enjoy an ever-increasing number of customer visits. With our rich database and net works among travel agents worldwide, solid expertise in full range of hospitality service, and high commitment towards the client’s success, you can be assured a fruitful result, and robust business growth you ever expect to be deliverd. EMBRACE JAPAN THRIVING MARKET Because F&T Marketing Consultant is a Japan-based strategic service company. we offer you seizing outbound travelling opportunites in Japan, one of the most growing travel markets with higheat rates of most frequent travellers in the world.

Our successful stories include one about Diamond Cliff Hotel in Thailand, for instance,which has already become the top-of-mind hotel among Japanese recalling 5-star hotel in Phuket. As result,the hotel can claim to have conqured Japan market within the province decades after decades.

Prepare and get ready for the flux of customer into your hotel with us.


“Our happiness is simply to see those pleasant travellers and your fantastic places” be met.


Sales Activities
Register the hotel brand to our network and establish connection

Have a sales and resrvation team in Japan

Co-ordinate and implement with property’s management and sales team visits around Japan requested by hotel

Join the necessary sales and promotion fairs around the world

Be a representative at travel industry association,membership in Japan

Marketing Activities

Develop an annual starategic marketing action plan to meet market needs by segment

Analyze market requirement and competitor movement to set the right market price

Develop existing sales brochure of all key account wholesalers

Reserch and update the market situation,trends

Liaise and orgnize familiarization trip to targeting media, orgnizer, MICE, corporate, end-user and wholesalers

Contact media maximizin though retail, trade, tourist office,airline, and other travel related companies

Planning and impelement selected and major trade show, fair to promote the property and new potential destination

Any Inquirie, please feel free to contact us.